
This study examined the English Learner (EL) teacher knowledge base from three perspectives: (a) competencies the current literature recommends that all teachers need know and use for teaching English learners in their content classes, (b) competencies the current literature recommends secondary teachers of English learners need to know and use for teaching English learners across the grades, and (c) views practicing secondary teachers of English learners hold about competencies they need to be successful with these students in academic subject-area classes. We identified the points of commonality between what is considered critical for all teachers and what secondary teachers need to know and be able to do, as well how they differ, and also what view practicing secondary teachers express about knowledge and practices the literature claims they need to be effective with English learners. This research identified the relevant competencies for secondary teachers of English learners, “to get a better sense of where we are starting from” (Lucas & Grinberg, 2008, p. 628) with respect to the kinds of knowledge and practices that preservice and in-service teachers are being asked to learn, question, implement, and reflect upon.

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