
The isotopic composition (δ18O and δ2H) of precipitation is widely used as a moisture source tracer. In north‐west India, the δ18O, δ2H and D‐excess values of precipitation correlate mainly with air temperature; however, the moisture sources of water vapour are unclear. Therefore, we collected daily precipitation isotope data (n = 425) from 13 rain gauge stations in northwest India in 2013. We established a regional meteoric water line (MWL) for northwest India and local MWLs for all 13 rain gauge stations separately. We observed an altitudinal gradient of about 0.11‰/100 m in slope and about 1.22‰/100 m in intercept from the western to the northeast part of the study area. The isotopic composition of precipitation shows spatial and temporal variability across the study area. We found higher Deuterium excess values during winter (December–February) and lower during the monsoon season (July–September), which may be associated with the different moisture sources, namely, the Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Westerly disturbances. Our results suggest local moisture recycling may also occur during the study period. The present study can enhance the knowledge of the isotopic evolution of precipitation and moisture sources in northwest India.

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