
Old-growth forest is recognised as a high-value habitat in conservation assessment programs because of its importance to hollow-dependent species. Previous mapping undertaken at regional scales does not map patches of old forest smaller than 5 ha. While small patches of old forest may not be as ecologically important as large areas they provide opportunities for connectivity and specific habitat resources for arboreal wildlife within a broader landscape matrix. Previously, smaller patches of old forest have been overlooked because the tools have not been available to map at finer scales. This study incorporates a methodology using recent advances in technology, including aerial photography, to map old forest at a fine scale for the purposes of land-use assessment and planning. The term ‘High Value Arboreal Habitat’ is introduced to convey the ecological importance of hollow-bearing trees as part of a wider identification and mapping of high-value habitats across the landscape. The assessment was undertaken across the forested areas of the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area using high-resolution digital imagery. It is anticipated that the High Value Arboreal Habitat mapping process will be adopted by a range of stakeholders and natural resource managers to better manage and conserve these old forests across the landscape whatever their size.

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