
Chronic diseases are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world, representing 63% of all deaths. Out of the 36 million people who died from chronic disease in 2008, nine million were under 60 and ninety per cent of these premature deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries (WHO) 2011. In India, their burden will continue to increase during the next 25 years as a consequence of the rapidly ageing population in India. Most chronic diseases are common and often occur as co morbidities. Risk factors for chronic diseases are highly prevalent among the Indian population. The study aimed to identify the common risk factors that are prevalent among the cervical cancer Patients and the opportunities for nurses in primary and secondary prevention and managing chronic diseases. A total of 100 records were reviewed who have completed the treatment for cervical cancer .The main focus was on the prevalence of common co morbidities , obesity ,dietary factors and consumption of tobacco and alcohol . The study identified the common risk factors for the con communicable diseases ie cancer, diabetes, hypertension and cardiac conditions are overweight, type of food consumption, tobacco usage and alcohol. Nurses are in the ideal position in trying to preventing the non communicable diseases and maintain people to prevent major complications of the diseases.

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