
Acknowledgments About the Author Introduction: Background to the Checklists A Word About IDEA IDEA Disability Categories Sec. 300.7 (20 U.S.C. 1401[3][A] and [B] 1401 [26]) Reference 1. The Special Education Disability Identification Process Using the Checklists References 2. Which Checklist to Use? How to Use the Charts Scenario Illustrating Use of the Charts 3. Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Definition of Autism: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) How to Use the Checklists The Autism Checklist Autism Recommended Further Reading References for Autism The Asperger Syndrome Checklist Asperger Disorder Recommended Further Reading References for Asperger Syndrome 4. Emotional or Behavioral Disorders and Emotional Disturbance Definition of Emotional Disturbance: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) How to Use the Checklists The Anxiety Disorder Checklist Anxiety Disorder Recommended Further Reading References for Anxiety Disorder The Selective Mutism Checklist Selective Mutism Recommended Further Reading References for Selective Mutism The Child and Adolescent Depression Checklist Depression Recommended Further Reading References for Depression The Conduct Disorder Checklist Conduct Disorder Recommended Further Reading References for Conduct Disorder The Oppositional Defiant Disorder Checklist Oppositional Defiant Disorder Recommended Further Reading References for Oppositional Defiant Disorder 5. Mental Retardation Definition of Mental Retardation: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) How to Use the Checklist The Mental Retardation Checklist Mental Retardation Recommended Further Reading References for Mental Retardation 6. Other Health Disabilities Definition of Other Health Impairment: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) How to Use the Checklists The Attention-Deficit Disorder (Inattentive Type) Checklist The Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Checklist Attention-Deficit Disorder Recommended Further Reading References for Attention-Deficit Disorder and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder The Tourette's Syndrome Checklist Tourette's Syndrome Recommended Further Reading References for Tourette's Syndrome 7. Specific Learning Disability Definition of Specific Learning Disability: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) How to Use the Checklist The Specific Learning Disability Checklist Specific Learning Disability Recommended Further Reading References for Specific Learning Disability 8. Speech or Language Impairment Definition of Speech or Language Impairment: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) How to Use the Checklist The Speech or Language Impairment Checklist Speech or Language Impairment Recommended Further Reading References for Speech or Language Impairment 9. Other Special Needs How to Use the Checklists The Giftedness Checklist Giftedness Recommended Further Reading References for Giftedness The Immaturity Checklist Immaturity Recommended Further Reading References for Immaturity The Low Self-Esteem Checklist Low Self-Esteem Recommended Further Reading References for Low Self-Esteem The Child Abuse Checklist The Abused Child or Adolescent Recommended Further Reading References for Child Abuse The Developmental Coordination Disorder and Dyspraxia Checklist Developmental Coordination Disorder and Dyspraxia Recommended Further Reading References for Developmental Coordination Disorder and Dyspraxia 10. Warning Signs of Sensory Impairment Warning Signs of Hearing Impairment Warning Signs of Visual Impairment Index

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