
Traditional automation solutions are invariably implemented in a piecemeal way, where feeding and handling solutions are only selected based on the requirements of a specific process. This results in a wide variety of different technological solutions being implemented across a factory, resulting in high maintenance costs and duplication of resources. Furthermore, automation is traditional restricted to low-variety high-volume production, where the capital cost can be easily justified. However, the global market is demanding greater product variety, which results in high component variety and small batch production making traditional dedicated automation solutions uneconomical. This paper presents a methodology for component classification which, identifies flexible component feeding and handling solutions for each component group within a particular factory. The methodology analyses the component flow within a factory and identifies six non-value adding component handling activities. An ABC analysis is used to identify the components and processes which involve the most handling operations. Based on the results of the ABC analysis, components are grouped according to the flexible feeding and handling solution which they best suit. The analysis concludes by presenting four component groups and, four flexible feeding and handling solutions.

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