
Epilepsy is a prevalent condition, and surgical intervention can benefit patients with refractory seizures. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using 99mTc-HMPAO or 99mTc-ECD provides assessment of regional cerebral blood flow and is the primary non-invasive approach for imaging brain perfusion in ictal and interictal states. Ictal/interictal SPECT is valuable in localising epileptogenic foci, particularly when MRI and electroencephalography are negative. However, to obtain accurate images reflecting brain perfusion in both states, meticulous preparation of the patient, timely radiotracer injection and close coordination between neurology and nuclear medicine teams are essential. Tracers also have inherent limitations, and patients may present with coexisting brain pathologies for which coregistration of SPECT images with MRI is recommended to improve diagnostic accuracy. Inconclusive SPECT findings may require repeating the exam or considering additional investigations. A comprehensive approach, considering various factors, is crucial for accurate interpretation of SPECT studies in presurgical epilepsy evaluations. This article provides a summary of the organisation and key challenges involved in conducting ictal/interictal SPECT studies, covering the entire process from a patient's hospital arrival to the integration of results within their presurgical pathway and using our experience of 182 patients over 10 years.

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