
Sleep is an essential element for patients' recovery during a period of hospitalisation. Hospital Clínic de Barcelona has developed the ClíNit project to promote patients' sleep by identifying elements that affect the quality of sleep and implementing actions to improve rest at night. Our aim is to select actions to improve sleep quality. The study population included night-shift nurses from two clinical units where the pilot actions were to be carried out (n: 14). The nurses prioritised actions to improve sleep quality using the methodology proposed by Fogg: clarification, magic wand, crispification, and the focus-mapping technique. Two sessions were organised for each unit and 32 actions considered high impact and easy to implement were proposed, of which 43.75% (14/32) were directly dependent on nurses. It was then agreed to implement four of these pilot studies. One aspect worth highlighting is that using prioritization techniques such as the Fogg technique is a good strategy to implement the general objectives of intervention programmes in large organizations in an easy way.

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