
Background: In old age, an individual experiences a decline in physical and mental activity. There is also a gradual shift in economic status moving from economic independence to economic dependence. The elderly constitutes nearly 8.25 per cent of India’s population (Census of India, 2011). Problem statement: “A Study to Identify the Prevalence and types Of elder abuse Among Elderly In Selected Rural Community Of Bardoli, Gujarat. Objectives: 1) To identify prevalence and types of elder abuse among elderly.2) To find out the association between types of elder abuse with their selected socio demographic variables. Methodology: A Quantitative approach and descriptive survey design was used to conduct the study. A total number of 100 elderly persons were selected by using convenient sampling technique and Modified Carney and Kahan on elder abuse standardized tool of were used for assessment. Data were collected at selected village under Sarbhon PHC Bardoli. Results: The result of the study reveals that, majority of Elderly 78 (78%) had mild elder abuse and 22(22%) had moderate elder abuse. Where as in types of elder abuse majority of Elderly had 98 (98%) Neglect by others; 76 (76%) had emotional abuse, 21 (21%) had financial abuse and 15(15%) had physical abuse. There is association between financial dependency and of elder abuse with their selected socio demographic variables. Rest of all socio demographic variables there is no association. Conclusions: The result of the study reveals that, majority of Elderly 78 (78%) had mild elder abuse and 22(22%) had moderate elder abuse. Hence it concludes that in India the elder abuse rates are still high as compare to global statistics. So there is important need to educate and aware the elderly person knowledge and prevent the elder abuse.

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