
Cattle are maintained by many rural communities, including in Jember district. Various health problems associated with parasitic infestations are common in cattle including worm parasitic infestations. This study aims to identify the diversity of worm parasites in cattle in Jember district. The benefit of this study is to obtain information on worm species so that it can be used as a database for strategies for prevention and treatment of helminthiasis in cattle in Jember district. The method used is to randomly take 314 cattle feces samples in the Jember area. Identification of worm species diversity by examining worm eggs found in fecal samples using the sedimentation method and the Whitlock method performed at BBVet (Balai Besar Veteriner) Wates. Based on the results of cattle feces examination in Jember, worm parasite eggs were found from the trematode class, Fasciola sp. and nematode class consisting of Ostertagia sp., Trichostrongylus sp., Moniezia sp., Cooperia sp., Capillaria sp., Bunostomum sp., Strongyloides sp., Oesophagostomum sp., Trichuris sp., and Toxocara sp.

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