
The birth of the theory of socio-economic forms of Marxism - Leninism has created a revolution in the perception of the process of movement and development of the history of human society. The reactionary forces are finding many ways to attack and distort the content of this theory. Prominently,they give other social theories to negate the revolutionary and scientific value of the theory of socio-economic models, distorting the interpretation of Marxism - Leninism on the historical - natural nature of the development of socio-economic models; reconsidering the issue of inevitability to pass through the social revolution to move forwards from capitalism to socialism; taking advantage of the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries in Eastern Europe to deny the empirical value of the theory of socio-economic forms. Identifying and pointing out these wrongful views is very important to protect the scientific, revolutionary, and empirical value of the theory, and contribute to the creative application of Marxism-Leninism in the implementation of the tasks of our country's revolution today.

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