
<p><em>Several laboratories tests have been developed in Indonesia and another countries that carry out mining activities, especially coal mining.</em> <em>The purpose of this analysis is to find out the presence and absence of soil layers which have the potential to form acidity.</em> <em>The most commonly known analytical methods are static and kinetic methods. The most commonly known method of analysis is static and kinetic methods. Our test this time are uses the NAPP method (Net Acid Producing Potential)</em><em>.A</em><em>and then, from the results of this calculation, was known that the mine area had acidic or not.</em> <em>This time, an investigation was conducted to determine the acidity of PAF</em><em> (Potential Acid Forming)</em><em> and NAF</em><em> (Non Acid Forming)</em><em>, which is owned by the mining company PT GIE (Globalindo Inti Energy) at the Handil, Muarajawa, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan regions.</em> <em>From the results of tested and mapped , it was found that this mining area had NAF (Non Acid Forming) soil content, with a PH range between 4.65 - 5.75 and had a negative NAPP price.</em></p>


  • Several laboratories tests have been developed in Indonesia

  • another countries that carry out mining activities

  • The purpose of this analysis is to find out the presence and absence of soil layers which have the potential to form acidity

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Pengambilan Sampel

Sampel yang digunakan dalam analisis berasal dari pemboran full coring pemboran AMD (Acid Mine Drainage) yang berupa batuan inti (core) dari 6 titik bor [10]. Sampel diambil ratarata tiap interval kedalaman 0,5-1,6 meter dari titik bor yang pemilihannya dipengaruhi oleh jenis batuan dan kedalaman lubang pemboran. Selanjutnya, nilai NAPP lapisan PAF/NAF digunakan sebagai data masukkan untuk pemodelan metode model blok dengan software surpac vision. Reaksi yang terjadi dalam NAG antara lain, reaksi keasaman dan penetralan dengan hasil akhir reaksi oksidasi adalah nilai NAG pH yang menunjukkan indikasi sifat keasaman atau kebasaan dari sampel batuan. Metode ini sering digunakan dalam perhitungan cadangan batubara yang didasarkan pada NNP (Neighborhood Nearest Point), IDW (Inverse Distance Weighting), dan krigging yang pemilihannya dipengaruhi jumlah data titik bor yang digunakan sebagai interpolasi. Hasil dari analisis metode NAPP di laboratorium mengindikasikan, bahwa batuan lanau dan Clay yang mendominasi lapisan NAF (Non Acid Forming) dengan kisaran NAG pH 4,65– 5,75 dan NAPP antara -7,623 hingga -2,23. Pada area ini tidak diketemukannya lapisan uncertain pada lapisan alluvial

Reklamasi dan Pascatambang Pada
Melalui Metode Uji Statik Pada
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