
 Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo (KEMW) is one of the tourist mangrove forests located in the East Coast region of Surabaya. The purpose of this field research was to identify tourism products owned by KEMW, as well as to analyze the form of product marketing that had been implemented in the KEMW. The analytical method in this study uses a type of qualitative-descriptive analysis, namely research that describes or describes the object of research based on facts that appear or as they are. The data sources used are derived from primary data and secondary data. Theories and concepts used are the concept of ecotourism, the definition of mangrove forests, the concept of tourism products, the limits of the definition of marketing, and the concept of Green Tourism Marketing (GTM). The results of this study explain that KEMW has 3 (three) main attractions Environmental Education Tourism, Sport Tourism, and Culinary Tourism and Other Local Products, with 4 (four) zones namely Mangrove Zone, Tourism Zone, Recipient Zone and Support Zone. KEMW has sufficient supporting facilities and in terms of accessibility, KEMW is easily accessible both in terms of information and accommodation. Based on the application of the concept of Green Tourism Marketing (GTM), KEMW has fulfilled almost all indicators, both in terms of local communities, tourists, government, and local tourism businesses. KEMW is also considered to have succeeded in applying the concept of ecotourism that pays attention to ecological conditions and focuses on sustainable tourism.
 Keyword: Ecotourism, Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo, Green Tourism Marketing


  • Kementerian Pariwisata (Kemenpar) memiliki fokus terhadap pengembangan destinasi pariwisata berkelanjutan, khususnya ekowisata di wilayah Jawa Timur - Bali, hal ini diungkapkan dalam Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dilakukan di Banyuwangi, tanggal 2 November 2018 lalu

  • Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo (KEMW) is one of the tourist mangrove forests located in the East Coast region of Surabaya

  • The purpose of this field research was to identify tourism products owned by KEMW, as well as to analyze the form of product marketing that had been implemented in the KEMW

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Berbelanja olahan nelayan dan produk berbasis mangrove

KEMW telah menetapkan area zonasi sesuai dengan fungsi yang ditetapkan. Zona keempat adalah zona mangrove yang terletak di muara sungai, terdapat 1 menara dan 7 gazebo dengan kapasitas 150 orang di masing-masing gazebonya, yang bisa juga dimanfaatkan untuk tempat bersantai maupun tempat pertemuan di alam terbuka. Pintu masuk terdekat bagi wisatawan yang berasal dari luar kota Surabaya adalah Bandar Udara Juanda dan Suramadu, dengan jarak tempuh masing-masing kurang lebih 18 km Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo (KEMW) sebagai salah satu destinasi berbasis ekowisata perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal dalam kegiatan pemasarannya agar setiap kegiatan yang dilakukan tetap mencerminkan pemahaman ekowisata itu sendiri. Peneliti menggunakan konsep Green Marketing Tourism sebagai pedoman analisis pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh KEMW, di mana konsep ini juga berfokus terhadap kondisi ekologi di destinasi dan konsep GMT ada untuk memenuhi dan memuaskan kebutuhan wisatawan dengan dampak negatif seminim mungkin terhadap lingkungan alam. Indikator Keberhasilan Green Marketing Tourism di Kawasan Ekowisata Mangrove Wonorejo

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