
Title: Identification of Structural and Non-Structural Mitigation in the Beach Reclamation Area in Sorong City
 Coastal reclamation has often occurred in several regions in Indonesia to increase land area. This was also done by the Government of Sorong City, which stockpiled 25ha of beach area. Coastal reclamation cannot avoid disasters that will occur, from socio-economic disasters to floods and tsunamis. The impact of losses from coastal reclamation is not only on environmental damage but also on loss of material and lives. Several mitigation strategies may have been implemented to minimize the impact, but it is still considered less effective and not by the standard. This research aims to identify what mitigation has and has not been carried out by related institutions. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method to describe structural and non-structural mitigation using variables based on the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 21 of 2008 concerning the Implementation of Disaster Management. This research can serve as a basis for mitigation in coastal reclamation areas.

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