
IDENTIFICATION OF LEARNING STYLES BASED FROM SPECIAL TALENT STUDENT PROGRAM STUDY OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING UM METRO. Pragmatism of educational practice can be seen from learning process without based of individual characteristics. This condition appears in the selection of methods and strategies of lstudents who tend to be oriented towards teacher oriented. In learning identification the characteristics of students are very poorly identified by teachers. Based from the problems, it is very important to study and identify student talents and student learning styles. Through this research, it is expected to be a reference in the development of the learning process based of special talents and student learning styles. This study aims to identify the characteristics of talent, learning styles, and the relationship between talent and learning styles in students. The method used is correlational research. Data collection uses aptitude tests and learning style scales.The results of research is majority students guidance and counseling study program of UM Metro have special talent is vebal talent, dan characteristics of style learning is visual learning. Thus the results of the study also show that the majority of students who have a verbal talent are also types of visual learning.


  • Pragmatism of educational practice can be seen from learning process without based of individual characteristics

  • This condition appears in the selection of methods and strategies of lstudents who tend to be oriented towards teacher oriented

  • It is expected to be a reference in the development of the learning process based of special talents and student learning styles

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Deskripsi Kecenderungan Bakat Khusus Mahasiswa BK UM Metro

Instrumen penelitian yang peneliti gunakan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan bakat mahasiswa program studi bimbingan dan konseling UM Metro berupa skala kecenderungan bakat. Instrumen ini disusun untuk mengetahui potensi bakat khusus mahasiswa BK UM Metro yang berupa bakat numerikal dan bakat verbal. Instrumen yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa program studi bimbingan dan konseling sebagai responden terdiri dari lima (5) alternatif jawaban yang akan mengungkapkan kecenderungan bakat, yaitu verbal dan bakat numerikal. Skala kecenderungan bakat diberikan kepada responden penelitian yang berjumlah 55 mahasiswa aktif sementer empat (IV) program studi Bimbingan dan Konseling UM Metro. Bagi calon konselor bakat verbal menjadi penting karena konselor merupakan profesi yang berkecimpung pada bidang pelayanan. Untuk mengidentifikasi bakat mahasiswa program studi bimbingan dan konseling menggunakan skala bakat khusus. Hasil analisis terhadap data penelitian yang terkumpul disajikan pada Tabel 1. Kecenderungan Bakat Khusus Mahasiswa Prodi Bimbingan dan Konseling UM Metro

Kecenderungan Bakat Khusus F
Deskripsi Karakteristik Gaya Belajar Mahasiswa Program Studi BK UM Metro
Tipe Gaya Belajar Audio Visual Kinestetik
Kecenderungan Tipe Bakat Dengan Gaya Belajar
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