
Spexin (Spx), an endogenous peptide, is considered to be a neuropeptide. In a few fish and mammals, it has been proved to play a role in the regulation of animal feeding. However, the possible mechanisms of spexin regulating food intake are mostly blurry in vertebrates including Siberian sturgeon. In this study, firstly, the coding sequence of spexin cDNA was cloned and sequenced in Siberian sturgeon. Then, we detected that spexin mRNA was widely expressed in the hypothalamus, gastrointestinal tract, and liver, with the highest expression in the hypothalamus. The expression of spexin mRNA in the hypothalamus was significantly increased after food intake. At 1h, 3h, and 6h after injection, the food intake in the spexin group (0.10, 0.30, and 0.90μg/g BW) was significantly lower than that in the saline group. Moreover, compared with the saline group, the mRNA expression of anorectic nucb2, cart, ucn3, and pyy in the hypothalamus was significantly upregulated and orectic npy was significantly downregulated at 1h after spexin injection; in the stomach, the mRNA expression of nucb2 and pyy was significantly upregulated. All in all, these results provide evidence for the anorexic effect of spexin on Siberian sturgeon.

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