
Forty-five acetic acid bacteria, which were isolated from fruits, flowers and other materials collected in Thailand by an enrichment culture approach, were assigned to the genusGluconobacter by phenotypic and chemotaxonomic characterisations. On the basis of 16S–23S rRNA gene ITS restriction and 16S rRNA gene sequence analyses, the forty-five isolates were grouped into five groups and identified at the specific level as follows: 1) seventeen isolates were grouped into Group A and identified asG. oxydans; 2) twelve isolates were grouped into Group B and identified asG. cerinus; 3) nine isolates were grouped into Group C and identified asG. frateurii; 4) six isolates were included into Group D and identified asG. thailandicus; 5) one isolate was grouped into Group E, characterised by a restriction pattern comprised of 667 and 48-bp fragments inAvaII digestion, differing from those of strains of Group C orG. frateurii and Group D orG. thailandicus, and unidentified.

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