
In 1997, the Southeast and Gulf state's Sea Grant programs implemented the Sea Grant HazNet program with funding from the National Sea Grant College Program and local Sea Grant programs and affiliated institutions. This effort was undertaken realizing that research, education, and outreach programs were needed to assist states in enhancing and empowering a citizenry who is capable of employing the most effective means to reduce loss of life and to mitigate the economic impacts of various coastal hazards. This effort is currently in its second year of funding, with the following infrastructure components either in place or in the process of being implemented: design and produce a HazNet Website; assess hazards research needs; establish a listserver with members of industry, and government offices and other interested users; and plan and develop educational programs for the general public and precollege students and their teachers. The long-term success of this effort can be measured by: increased communications; the adoption and effective use of hazard mitigation measures throughout the private and public domains; the establishment of a coherent plan to guide future hazards research; the development and/or revision and complementary infusion of coastal hazards activities by precollege classroom teachers; and enhanced programs relative to coastal hazards to increase public awareness. Lastly, this study has the potential to serve as a national model for natural hazards and it should also result in a reduction in the potential catastrophic effects of natural hazards by having a more knowledgeable populace.

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