
Waste is an unavoidable by-product of most human activities. Central Jakarta City is one of the administrative cities in the centre of the Special Capital Region of Jakarta, where Shopping Centre X is situated, a place relied on by the local community to serve their needs and to facilitate community activities. Shopping Center X has ±4,478 active shops which occupy all of its 9 floors, built on an area of 47,760 m2 and the waste generated varies. The purpose of this study was to identify sources of waste, before analysing the waste generation and composition in Shopping Centre X. The waste composition is an illustration of each component contained in the waste produced, and it can be used as a basis for determining a proper waste management in Shopping Centre X. Sampling was carried out using the SNI 19-3694-1994 method, where the waste measurement was made using a sampling box for eight consecutive days. The results of field research showed that, the waste composition in Shopping Centre X consists of 77.42% nonorganic and 22.58% organic waste components. The average rate of waste generation in Shopping Centre X is 3.58 kg/shop/day. The primary data collection was done directly, through field surveys and sampling. Waste samples taken were based on store category grouping on all the 9 (nine) floors, representing the number of samples in Shopping Centre X.

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