
Liwa Botanical Garden is one of the regional botanical gardens in Indonesia with the theme “Indonesian Ornamental Plants”. At the present, disease infections are still a major obstacle in efforts to preserve and develop the potential natural orchids. Based on previous research, it is known that some individual orchids exhibit symptoms of viral disease infections, namely mosaic, chlorotic, streak, and necrosis. This research was conducted to determine the identification of against virus infections in Liwa Botanical Garden through a collection of samples that showed symptoms of infection, analysis of disease symptoms, and analysis of the level of disease resistance. The results showed the response of native orchids in Liwa Botanical Garden to viral infections showed symptoms in the form of necrotic black and chlorotic patches, yellowing leaves on orchids Coelogyne sp., Flickingeria sp., Calanthe sp., Trixspermum centipeda, Bulbophyllum sp. The type of orchid that shows the most symptoms is Flickingeria sp. a total of 8 samples. The type of natural orchid in the Liwa Botanical Garden which is most vulnerable to being infected with a virus is Flickingeria sp. with a disease intensity of 42%, while the type of orchid most infected virus is Coelogyne sp. with an intensity of 15%. The results of this activity are expected to be basic information in efforts to protect plants against diseases to support the application of conservation of natural orchids in the Liwa Botanical Garden.

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