
Cloud Computing is a robust, less cost, and an effective platform for providing services. Nowadays, it is applied in various services such as consumer business or Information Technology (IT) carried over the Internet. This cloud computing has some risks of security because, the services which are required for its effective compilation is outsources often by the third party providers. This makes the cloud computing more hard to maintain and monitor the security and privacy of data and also its support. This sudden change in the process of storing data towards the cloud computing technology improved the concerns about different issues in security and also the various threats present in this cloud storage. In the concept of security in cloud storage, various threats and challenges are noted by recent researchers. Hence, an effective framework of providing security is required. The main aim of this paper is to analyze various issues in securing the cloud data threats present in the cloud storage and to propose a novel methodology to secure it. This paper also identifies the most crucial components that can be incorporated in the already existing security measures while designing the storage systems based on cloud. This study also provides us to identify all the available solutions for the challenges of security and privacy in cloud storage.

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