
Pekanbaru is located on a strategic place, in the middle of Riau Province and on the heart of Sumatera Island. This condition brings Pekanbaru is predicted to be the best investment destination in Indonesia in 2030 based on Mc, Kinsey and Boston Consulting Group [1]. However, Pekanbaru also has another potential, Siak River, which known as one of the deepest rivers in Indonesia. In 2016, a research made to talk about the development of Riverfront area in Pekanbaru, especially in Kampung Dalam and Kampung Bandar, as the cultural preservation area in the city. This riverfront area is not only to support tourism development, but also to serve the local people with a better public space. This research aims to identify the transformation of tourism riverfront development in Pekanbaru by using GIS mapping. The method used is spatial analysis with both vector and raster data to show the transformation. The comparison will use data from previous research in 2016 and the current data of 2021 with latest satellite imagery provided. The result shows there are several transformations in the area which can support tourism development in Pekanbaru.

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