
A series of graphic reconstructions was made based on the materials from the military-historical expedition “Volkhovsky front. Apraksin”, which took place in 2019 Later, the reconstructions were published on the World Wide Web. The authors of this article received a request from Shamsutdinovaya A.R., who iden-tified her great-grandfather, Shamsutdinov S. Sh., in the graphic reconstruction made on the skull of individual No. 86-1.1. The authors carried out a comparative analysis of the photos of Shamsutdinov S. Sh. with the graphic reconstruction and the skull No. 86-1.1. The comparison was carried out in accordance with the algorithm of craniofacial correspondence (Balueva, Veselovskaya, 2004; Vesel-ovskaya, Balueva, 2012; Veselovskaya, 2018) and the method of photograph-ic superimposition (Medico-criminalistic identification..., 2000). The analysis showed the correspondence of most of the considered parameters of the face and the scientific graphic reconstruction and gave a positive result of photographic superimposition of the face and skull images. According to the obtained data, it was concluded that there is a high probability that the remains No. 86-1.1 belongs to Shamsutdinov S. Sh., the probability of expert error is 0.00825 (based on mod-ern data), of 0.022 (based on data from 1939)

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