
The dietary supplements market is an example of a global market which is characterised by continuous growth in sales. The results and analysis of market research confirm the belief that dietary supplements constitute an important dietary component for nearly everyone in the world. In order to expand their sales offer, entrepreneurs are constantly conducting analyses of daily behaviour and decisions made by consumers on the dietary supplements market. On the other hand, researchers are conducting studies on the dietary supplements market which are focused mainly on analysing the medical effects of the use of such products by the citizens of a given community. The author of this elaboration conducted a systematic review of the available subject literature using writing analysis and criticism methods. The scope of literature studies mainly covered licensed electronic sources (Scopus, Web of Science), Open Access (Directory of Open Access Journals), electronic science library catalogues (Springer Link) and commercial Internet resources (reports, assessments, forecasts). The objective of the study was to distinguish the reasons why consumers use dietary supplements. As result of the conducted analysis, it was ascertained that the estimated value of the global dietary supplement market amounted to approx. USD 101.38 billion in 2018 and will amount to approx. USD 220.3 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow further. A broad study of the subject literature and analysis of the research material enabled the researchers to indicate 39 of the key determinants affecting consumer behaviour in the market. The factors were grouped according to two main topical categories: supporting body function and illness prevention. Thereby, the author points to an important problem concerning insufficient consumer knowledge of dietary supplements. Dietary supplements, according to the definition, are foodstuffs and not medicinal products; therefore, the reasons for the purchase of dietary supplements by consumers, identified as factors constituting the “illness prevention” category, should not only be of concern, but should mainly be the trigger for action aimed at improving the related consumer knowledge. It is necessary to provide consumers with regular education on rational decision-making in the dietary supplement market. Consumer education should contribute to an increase in consumer awareness and counteract unfounded dietary supplement consumerism. Consumers should familiarise themselves with the potential benefits and risks resulting from the usage of dietary supplements.

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