
Claviceps purpurea is a plant pathogenic fungus which is still highly relevant in modern agriculture as it infects grasses such as rye and wheat. The disease caused by the consumption of contaminated grain or flour has been known since the Middle Ages and is termed ergotism. The main cause for the toxicity of this fungus is attributed to the ergot alkaloids. Apart from these alkaloids and the ergochromes known as ergot pigments, the secondary metabolism of C. purpurea is not well investigated. This study demonstrated the function of the polyketide synthase PKS7 in C. purpurea by determining the effect of its overexpression on metabolite profiles. For the first time, the depsides lecanoric acid, ethyl lecanorate, gerfelin, and C10-deoxy gerfelin were discovered as secondary metabolites of C. purpurea. Additionally, to estimate the contribution of isolated secondary metabolites to the toxic effects of C. purpurea, lecanoric acid, ethyl lecanorate, and orsellinic acid were tested on HepG2 and CCF-STTG1 cell lines. This study provides the first report on the function of C. purpurea PKS7 responsible for the production of depsides, among which lecanoric acid and ethyl lecanorate were identified as main secondary metabolites.

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