
The diamondback moth was estimated to increase costs to the global agricultural economy as the global area increase of Brassica vegetable crops and oilseed rape. Sex pheromones traps are outstanding tools available in Integrated Pest Management for many years and provides an effective approach for DBM population monitoring and control. The ratio of two major sex pheromone compounds shows geographical variations. However, the limitation of our information in the DBM pheromone biosynthesis dampens our understanding of the ratio diversity of pheromone compounds. Here, we constructed a transcriptomic library from the DBM pheromone gland and identified genes putatively involved in the fatty acid biosynthesis, pheromones functional group transfer, and β-oxidation enzymes. In addition, odorant binding protein, chemosensory protein and pheromone binding protein genes encoded in the pheromone gland transcriptome, suggest that female DBM moths may receive odors or pheromone compounds via their pheromone gland and ovipositor system. Tissue expression profiles further revealed that two ALR, three DES and one FAR5 genes were pheromone gland tissue biased, while some chemoreception genes expressed extensively in PG, pupa, antenna and legs tissues. Finally, the candidate genes from large-scale transcriptome information may be useful for characterizing a presumed biosynthetic pathway of the DBM sex pheromone.


  • We have invested significant time in studying the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), and its ability to block the serious threat posed to Brassica vegetable crops and canola production

  • More than 56.6 million clean reads were obtained from the library of the DBM pheromone gland (PG) with about 8.5 G base-pairs of nucleotides, a 0.01% error rate and 92.62% bases with a Phred quality score of more than 30 (Q30)

  • We first tried to map the sequences of clean data to the DBM genome maintained on the NCBI genomic database (GenBank: AHIO00000000.1); the overall alignment rate of the mapping results was low (56.49%) indicated a large number of clean data waste that could not be mapped to the reference genomic sequence

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Gene name

ACC c57656_g1 FAS c57640_g1 DES c51630_g2 c52870_g1 c55325_g1 c53736_g1 c48732_g1 c49569_g1 c54998_g1 c60875_g1 c51467_g2 c47747_g1 c51467_g1 c51630_g1 FAR c52916_g1 c55457_g1 c53808_g1 c56133_g1 c55024_g1 c53541_g1 c56693_g1 c56405_g2 c56306_g1 c56313_g3 c55072_g1 c53406_g1 c52336_g1 c49015_g1 c46565_g1 ACT. C53185_g1 ADH c53443_g1 c54850_g1 c56088_g1 c53167_g1 c52742_g1 ALR c49161_g1 c53398_g1 c55873_g1

Agrotis ipsilon
Spodoptera litura
Papilio machaon
Results and Discussion
Signal peptide
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