
Prototypes of pastille marmalade products with starters of lactic acid microorganisms have been developed. Pastille marmalade products that contain live cells of probiotic culture (from 1 to 3 CFU/g) help strengthen and maintain immunity. The macro and micromorphology of the probiotic culture were investigated, which confirmed the belonging of microorganisms to lactic acid. The studies reported here were scientifically substantiated by the method of mathematical modeling. Based on the regression equation, it was revealed that the growth of lactic acid microorganisms in the product is affected by the volume of whey (250 ml), the volume (0.02 g) and the time of revival of the starter culture (6 hours). A more significant factor was the volume of application of lactic acid microorganisms, from 0.01 to 0.02 g, which affects the growth of lactic acid microorganisms (increases) in the product. The antimicrobial activity of isolated crops in relation to E. coli was studied. The zones of illumination of the isolated colonies in relation to E. coli range from 0.1 mm to 0.5 mm. The results show that antagonistic properties affect pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. The antioxidant properties of pastille marmalade products have been established. When applying starters of lactic acid cultures, the volume of antioxidants increased by 1.7 and 2.2 times compared with control. In this regard, the development of pastille marmalade products with starters of lactic acid microorganisms is a relevant and promising task because they are natural, have an immunostimulating effect, and expand the range of confectionery products

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