
Heterotrophic flagellates (HF) represent an important protist group in marine ecosystem functioning. Characterised by high taxonomic diversity, identification and classification of HF is often difficult using classical methods of light microscopy (LM). Complementing LM with molecular methods, such as barcoding, enables reliable taxonomic identification of even small size nanoflagellates that share similar or unnoticeable morphological features. The order Bicosoecida is a group of heterotrophic nanoflagellates that are important part of protist plankton and benthic communities of the world oceans. Recently, on the basis of high-resolution light microscopy and barcoding, a new bicosoecid genus, Bilabrum, was described with B. latius sp. as a type species. Our study reports on identification of B. latius from co-culture with the diatom species Chaetoceros affinis isolated from fresh plankton samples collected in the southern Adriatic. This detection of the Adriatic B.latius represents first record of this species outside itś up to now known and described habitat (deep-sea sediment of the South - East Atlantic Ocean) and in diatom co-culture.

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