
Building retrofit is a main concern to reach EU de-carbonisation goals of 2050. Façade retrofit plays a pivotal role in the reduction of energy consumption in buildings: several strategies are in fact available, both in terms of on-site systems and prefabricated elements. The research question arising regards therefore how to choose the best-suiting residential retrofit strategy between different technological systems.In this sense, a current lack of diffusion of Decision Support Systems between can be underlined, as decisions mainly derive from previous experiences.An optimizing strategy that could express the goals of the many actors involved in the building process is required. In order to consider the impact of different criteria on the choice, multi-criteria methodologies could be effective. Existing similar methods mostly focus uniquely on energy performance, or follow the categories of environment, economy and society. What is currently lacking in available tools regards production-linked and technological aspects, related to e.g. façade morphology, and building site features.The aim of this paper is to identify relevant parameters related to installation and economy aspects, for a multi-criteria approach to be used in the choice of the most suitable building retrofit strategy. The methodological approach is therefore provided, and the choice of parameters, carried out by means of interview with actors of the building process, is explained. The criteria selection and the subsequent criteria weighting phase is to be carried out by means of interviews and surveys to the actors involved in the building process. The application on case-studies will offer the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the method.

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