
Background: Powdery mildew is one of the major diseases of pea which leads to severe crop losses and also affects the quality of pods and seeds. Therefore, it is necessary to screen for resistant sources and introduce the resistant gene into cultivars. So, for marker-assisted pea breeding, rapid screening of pea germplasm for powdery mildew resistance is required. Methods: A total of twenty-eight pea lines were generated using half-diallel mating design with eight pea lines (AP-3, Kashi Nandini, Arkel, VL-7, PMR-53, Kashi Uday, PC-531and AP-1). These hybrids and parental lines were screened for powdery mildew resistance phenotypically by PDI and genotypically by SSR and SCAR markers. Result: Based on screening for powdery mildew resistance, the genotypes PMR-53, Kashi Nandini, Kashi Uday, VL-7, AP-1 and hybrids Kashi Nandini x VL-7, Kashi Nandini x PMR-53, Kashi Nandini x Kashi Uday, Kashi Nandini x AP-1, VL-7 x PMR-53, VL-7 x Kashi Uday, VL-7 x AP-1, PMR-53 x Kashi Uday, PMR-53 x AP-1and Kashi Uday x AP-1 were found relatively resistant to powdery mildew disease. Two SSR markers (AD237 and AD141) showed polymorphism between resistant and susceptible lines and can be used for genetic improvement of pea germplasm.

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