
Treatment of bacterial infectious diseases using semi-synthetic antibiotics can lead to resistance, so as to overcome it necessary to search for natural ingredients from plant extracts that has potential as an antibacterial, one of which is the leaf extract of soursop (Annona muricata L.). This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of soursop leaf against E. coli and identify groups most active chemical compounds from the extracts. Soursop leaves extracted by maceration using n-hexane, chloroform and methanol. The extracts were tested for antibacterial activity using the diffusion method. Extract with the highest activity determined the minimum inhibitory concentrations grow (MIC) and tested the content of secondary metabolites with phytochemical test, subsequently identified using IR spectrophotometer. Soursop leaves with extraction solvent n-hexane, chloroform and methanol to produce n-hexane extract (E1), the chloroform extract (E2), and the methanol extract (E3) with a yield respectively 0.82%; 5.21%; 8.2% and produce antibacterial activity with consecutive inhibition zone of 3.52 mm; 8.34 mm; 3.00 mm. MIC of soursop leaf chloroform extract of the E. coli bacteria that is at a concentration of 1 ppm with inhibition zone of 3.23 mm. Based on the test results phytochemical soursop leaf chloroform extract showed the presence of compounds alkaloids, steroids, saponins and tannins. IR spectrophotometer identification results showed that the chloroform extract of the leaves of the soursop has functional groups OH, aliphatic C-H, C = O, C = C aromatic, CH3, C-O ether and C-H outside the field.


  • minimum inhibitory concentrations grow (MIC) soursop leaf chloroform extract of the E. coli bacteria that is at a concentration of 1 ppm with inhibition zone of 3.23 mm

  • Based on the test results phytochemical soursop leaf chloroform extract showed the presence of compounds alkaloids, steroids, saponins and tannins

  • IR spectrophotometer identification results showed that the chloroform extract of the leaves of the soursop has functional groups OH, aliphatic C-H, C = O, C = C aromatic, CH3, C-O ether and C-H outside the field

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Alat dan Bahan

Alat-alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah alat-alat gelas, blender, autoklaf, timbangan analitik, alat rotary evaporator Buchii, inkubator (Memert Jerman), shaker inkubator (Memert Jerman), filler, pipet ukur, gelas arloji, obyek glass, corong Buchner dan pompa vakum, vial, hot plate stirrer, magnetic stirrer, pipet mikro otomatis, lampu spirtus, jarum ose, drugalsky, jangka sorong, crok bor, pH meter, Spektrofotometer Infra Merah FT-IR. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah daun sirsak diambil dari desa Langkap Purbalingga, kloroform, n-heksana, metanol, isolat bakteri E. coli, Nutrient Agar (NA), Nutrient Broth (NB), Peptone Yeast Agar (PYG), aquades steril, tetrasiklin HCl 500 mg, alkohol 70%, asam klorida, asam klorida pekat, eter, asetat anhidrida, asam sulfat pekat, pereaksi FeCl3, serbuk Mg, pereaksi Dragendorff, kertas saring, tissue, NaCl steril 0,9%, wrapping, kapas, kain kassa, aluminium foil

Prosedur Penelitian
Persiapan Sampel
Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri dengan Metode Difusi
Penentuan Konsentrasi Hambat Tumbuh Minimum Ekstrak Kloroform
Negatif Positif Positif Negatif Positif Negatif
Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo
Biodiesel yang Dihasilkan dengan
Journal Biology Chemistry
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