
A series of measurements in two streets in a dense urban area were accomplished. The measurement scenario was small microcell line-of-sight (LoS) with low antenna height at both link ends where dipole sleeve transmitter (Tx) antenna, directive receiver (Rx) antenna, wideband pseudo-noise (PN) signal and correlator were employed. We analyze the data obtained from the measurements by careful investigation of the single-bounce scattering power distribution conforming to precise maps of the environments including all present objects. We try to identify the single-bounce scatterers for the cluster received waves appearing in the single-bounce scattering power distribution. A number of objects were identified by this method as single-bounce scatterers within the spatial resolution bins. The identified objects are signboards, traffic signs, etc. and we conclude that any metallic object visible to both Tx and Rx with dimensions in orders of tens of wavelengths can be a significant source of scattering in small cell scenarios with low antenna heights. The contribution of the scattering from these identified objects to the received power compared to other micromechanisms is evaluated. Results show that the scattering from these objects can be comparable to the wall reflections

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