
Neural Prosthetics have the potential to help restore motor functionality for patients suffering from a wide range of neurological injuries and disorders. A variety of designs have been used for these systems. In today’s scenario in neuro prosthetics we use Application Specific Instruction Set Processor. By study we thought that it requires improvement so an effective ASIP design can be done for Neural Prosthetics for betterment of life. Many researcher studies have addressed the issue of Neural Prosthetics. In this research work, we develop new kind of algorithm or technique for ASIP so that it can provide an efficient way and flexibility. The proposed work focuses on efficient ASIP design for Neural Prosthetics which is useful for neural prosthetic devices. This method of BMI’s is important for medical deployment of prosthetics. Adaptive filters are used where signals are changing slowly. Filters compensate this condition. It is useful for amputees for physical and mental health. Robotics and biomedical engineering prosthesis reflects complete application of this technology.

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