
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) imaging has now a well-established position in the subject of spectral imaging, leveraging multi-element detection capabilities and fast acquisition rates to support applications both at academic and technological levels. In current applications, the standard processing pipeline to explore LIBS imaging data sets revolves around identifying an element that is suspected to exist within the sample and generating maps based on its characteristic emission lines. Such an approach requires some previous expert knowledge both on the technique and on the sample side, which hinders a wider and more transparent accessibility of the LIBS imaging technique by non-specialists. To address this issue, techniques based on visual analysis or peak finding algorithms are applied on the average or maximum spectrum, and may be employed for automatically identifying relevant spectral regions. Yet, maps containing relevant information may often be discarded due to low signal-to-noise ratios or interference with other elements. In this context, this work presents an agnostic processing pipeline based on a spatial information ratio metric that is computed in the Fourier space for each wavelength and that allows for the identification of relevant spectral ranges in LIBS. The results suggest a more robust and streamlined approach to feature extraction in LIBS imaging compared with traditional inspection of the spectra, which can introduce novel opportunities not only for spectral data analysis but also in the field of data compression.

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