
In the present work the patterns of relationship of photonic radiation dose rate from Cyclone 18/9HC water cooling system were studied at production of positron-emitting nuclides. Reaction (n, p) was shown to be the main source of activation nuclides in cyclotron cooling water at 18F production, resulting in formation of 16N (T1/2 = 7 s) from 16О. In water targets with high accumulated dose, when beam partially irradiates a target body, proton-induced reactions: 16О(p, α)11С and 18О(p, n)18F take place. Fluoride 18F–, carbonate 11СО32– and hydrocarbonate Н11СО3– anions, formed in proton-induced activation reactions, efficiently precipitate on anion-exchanging resin during water circulation resulting in circuit purification from the named radionuclides. Activation of cooling water does not occur at irradiation of gas targets. Projected annual dose for cyclotron operator from cooling water activation is less than 1 % of annual dose limit for personnel from technogeneous radioactive sources. In order to minimize operator`s accumulated doses it is recommended to decrease the duration of personnel activities at the distance less than 1 meter from heat exchanger during 18F production. At operation of water targets with absorbed dose higher than 2500 μA·h it is desirable to conduct the preventive maintenance of water cooling system not earlier than in half an hour after the end of irradiation and with mandatory dosimetry control. To decrease the activation of impurities it is essential to use only deionized water in cooling circuit. In case of its specific conductivity increase due to corrosion the coolant should be replaced promptly.


  • В процессе облучения воды Н218О для наработки радионуклида 18F на мишени циклотрона выделяется мощность Р ~ 1,5 кВт [4], что определяет необходимость ее эффективного охлаждения

  • – Mode of access: https://www-nds.iaea.org/exfor/endf.htm – Date of access: 09.10.2018

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Наиболее распространенным радионуклидом для ПЭТ является 18F, образующийся при облучении протонами обогащенной по 18О до 98 % воды (Н218О) по реакции 18О(р, n)18F. В процессе облучения воды Н218О для наработки радионуклида 18F на мишени циклотрона выделяется мощность Р ~ 1,5 кВт [4], что определяет необходимость ее эффективного охлаждения. Указанное обстоятельство обуславливает высокую вероятность активации воды охлаждения при наработке радионуклидов для позитронно-эмиссионной томографии на Cyclone 18/9-HC.

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