
Measurements of high resolution excitation functions for elastic 40Ca(α, α) scattering between E lab = 4.4 MeV and E lab = 9.12 MeV have been performed in 4 keV steps. Significant deviations from pure compound elastic fluctuations were observed and were shown to be due to intermediate structures. By different methods of analysis four of these structures have been identified as intermediate resonances with spins and total widths as follows: E lab = 6.67 MeV ( J π = 0 +, Γ = 550 keV), E lab = 7.22 MeV ( J π = 1 −, Γ = 40 keV), E lab = 7.75 MeV ( J π = 2 +, Γ = 300 keV) and E lab = 8.41 MeV ( J π = 3 −, Γ = 220 keV). In addition, the data around 9 MeV indicate the existence of a 4 + resonance. The resonances are found to form a rotational band and support the picture of an α- 40Ca quasimolecule in remarkable agreement with microscopic calculations. Additional data for 39K, 41Ca and 48Ca do not show any indication for intermediate resonances. This is explained by the strong influence of cluster structures on the absorption process. The relation between the identified resonances and the “anomalous” α-scattering at higher energies is discussed in connection with microscopic calculations and simple local potential analyses.

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