
The milk fat percentage records of 2174 daughters belonging to 12 half sib families were analyzed for the identification of QTLs on 8 chromosomes in buffaloes using chromosome scans. The single marker analysis revealed 49 markers to be associated with milk fat percentage in 10 sire families. The interval mapping using R/qtl identified 43 QTLs on 8 chromosomes of buffalo. The meta-QTL analysis was carried out to define consensus QTLs in buffaloes and total 28 meta-QTL regions could be identified for milk fat percentage. Most of the QTLs identified in the experiments have been reported for cattle; however, few new chromosomal locations were also identified to be associated with fat percentage in buffaloes. The additional QTLs identified in buffalo may be due to high level of heterozygosity in buffalo compared to Holstein Friesian and other exotic milk breeds for which QTLs have beenreported. Assuming buffalo-cattle synteny, a total of 1118 genes were identified underlying the QTL regions, out of these 45 genes were identified to be associated with lipid metabolism. The interaction among the genes and gene ontology analysis confirmed their association with lipid metabolism. These 45 genes have potential to be candidate genes for milk fat percentage in buffaloes and underlie the QTL regions identified in buffaloes in the present study.

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