
The study was conducted in Central Sulawesi. This study aims to identify the problem and needs in technical innovation services to increase the productivity of rice, corn, and cattle in the upsus region. UPSUS is Special Effort Program from Ministry of Agriculture to increase the production of strategic comodity. Base on data in 2015 the harvested area of rice in Central Sulawesi was 203,918 ha with a total production of 1,001,949,19 tonnes. Compared to 2014, rice production in 2015 was decreased (1,006,437 tonnes). For corn, the harvested land of corn was 32,502 ha with a production of 131,123 tonnes, and the productivity of 4.34 tonnes per hectares. In 2014, the harvested area of corn was higher which was around 41,647 hectares with production 170,201.3 tonnes and productivity of 4.87 ton per hectare. The lower harvested land and production in 2015 compared to 2014, there was a decreased productivity in rice and corn. Donggala regency had the biggest population of cattle farming system in 2017 with the number of cattle around 42,217 cows, and most cattle were located in Dampelas sub-district (8816 cows). The decreasing production of rice and corn are caused by the reduced harvested land area and nonoptimal use of technological innovation. Technological innovation is also a necessity in increasing the production of cattle and the income of farmers. Adoption of innovation of technology has showed the best result to increase the production of rice 86% and corn 44%. The result of this study indicates that technological innovation is one of the solutions for the problems facing by the farm households, specifically for technical problems, such as the integrated crop management of rice and corn and cattle preservation technique. Additionally, farm households need technological information to increase the production and their farms’ productivity which lead to the increasing income and welfare of farm households.

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