
Free sterols from hexaploid and tetraploid free-threshing wheats (Triticum aestivum L. and T. durum Desf.) and from their respective hulled wheats (T. spelta L. and T. dicoccon Schrank) were analysed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. The qualitative analysis of sterols showed a similar pattern either between hexaploid (T. aestivum, T. spelta) and tetraploid (T. durum, T. dicoccon) wheats or between free-threshing (T. aestivum, T. durum) and hulled (T. spelta, T. dicoccon) wheats. However, quantitative differences were found between tetraploid and hexaploid wheats, in that free sterol amounts in tetraploid wheats were 40% higher than in hexaploid ones. The mass spectra of the sterols were classified into four groups, taking into account the structural features of rings A and B. Typical mass spectral fragmentations of the four classes, and additional evidence related to the side chain of each molecule, were investigated together with their chromatographic behaviour, allowing identification of all the detected sterols.

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