
Prediabetes mellitus is a condition of a person's blood sugar, which, if in a fasting state, ranges from 100-125 mg / dL (IFG) or 2 hours after eating, the blood sugar level is 140-199 mg / dL. Physical activity and BMI are factors that trigger prediabetes mellitus. Therefore it is necessary to hold preventive efforts to reduce the rate of development of prediabetes mellitus which is increasing and increasing public awareness regarding the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The purpose of writing this literature is to analyze physical activity and body mass index on the incidence of prediabetes mellitus in high school students. The research writing method used a literature review. Data were collected from 30 journals which were then selected into 22 journals with related variables, namely physical activity and body mass index with the incidence of prediabetes mellitus, a sample of high school students aged 15-18 years . The results of the literature review are that physical activity plays a role in controlling blood sugar and Body Mass Index (BMI) contributes to the occurrence of prediabetes if followed by an unhealthy waist circumference, less physical activity results in an increase in BMI which ultimately triggers prediabetes mellitus.


  • Physical activity is a motion that arises due to contraction of skeletal muscles and requires energy

  • Prediabetes mellitus can occur due to high blood glucose, smoking, over 45 years of age, mental burden, lack of activity, Body Mass Index (BMI), and unhealthy lifestyle (Irianto koes, 2014)

  • Based on the data above, the researcher is interested to do an in-depth identification related to physical activity and body mass index of prediabetes mellitus

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Physical activity is a motion that arises due to contraction of skeletal muscles and requires energy. Prediabetes mellitus can occur due to high blood glucose, smoking, over 45 years of age, mental burden, lack of activity, BMI, and unhealthy lifestyle (Irianto koes, 2014). Lack of physical activity and unhealthy lifestyle are the biggest factors at risk of becoming diabetes mellitus. According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services physical activity guidelines committee (2016) diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease are occur when the BMI decreased. Based on the data above, the researcher is interested to do an in-depth identification related to physical activity and body mass index of prediabetes mellitus. The number of articles and journals reviewed as many as 22 journals consisting of quantitative and qualitative journals with related variables namely physical activity, body mass index, and prediabetes mellitus, the sample of this research is high school students aged 15-18 years. The data searched include Web of Science, PubMed (Medline), CINAHL, OMICS, SocINDEX, BMC and Nature with the following search terms: (Physical activity OR practice OR program OR intervention) and (Body mass index OR obesity OR BMI OR weight loss OR weight management)

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