
The protection and conservation of old-growth forests (OGFs) are becoming a global concern due to their irreplaceability and high biodiversity. Nonetheless, there has been little research into the identification and characterization of OGFs of the oldest tree species in Mediterranean areas. We used forest inventory data, low-density airborne laser scanning (ALS) metrics, and geostatistical analysis to estimate old-growth indices (OGIs) as indicators of old-growth forest conditions. We selected a pilot area in European black pine (Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii) ecosystems where the oldest known living trees in the Iberian Peninsula are found. A total of 756 inventory plots were established to characterize standard live tree and stand attributes. We estimated several structural attributes that discriminate old growth from younger age classes and calculated different types of OGI for each plot. The best OGI was based on mean tree diameter, standard deviation of tree diameter, and stand density of large trees (diameter > 50 cm). This index is useful for assessing old-growthness at different successional stages (young and OGFs) in Mediterranean black pine forests. Our results confirm that the estimation of OGIs based on a combination of forest inventory data, geostatistical analysis, and ALS is useful for identifying OGFs.

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