
Objective: To determine the clinical patterns of the newly identified novel biomarkers of prognosis among adult patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), diffuse axonal injury (DAI) and ophthalmic injury (OI) and micro bleeds in the Brain. Methods: According to the online search engine from the databases of PubMed, Embase, Ovid Science Direct, and the way of sciences of the original contribution articles which are providing with the essential information about outcome in patients with DAI in general, DAI vs. non-DAI, related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) classification , related to lesion and their specific , Specific location/load and their future outcomes. We have gone through the major references and checked their quality control (QC) assessments performed through International standard protocol/guidelines and our own experiences. Results: A total of 585 articles were included. TBI patients with DAI patients favorable outcomes are (75-90 %). The risk associated unfavorable outcome (RAUO) is in TBI with DAI was three to four times higher than in TBI without DAI in our Asian Indian patients.The Odds ratio (OR) for their unfavorable outcome was 2.7 as per increase of DAI grade on the MRI findings. Lesions are located in the area of the corpus callosum (CC) associated with an unfavorable outcomes reported frequently (85-95%). Conclusions: DAI patients management through MRI and patients with with TBI results unfavorable outcome are increasing in larger in numbers day by day in trauma care. MRI grading, locations, pattern of diffuse (POD) and axonal injury rates (AIR) are increasing in their three to four fold with every grade. Associated Lesions in the corpus callosum (CC) are associated with an unfavorable outcomes are those frequently associated with the DAI patients in TBI. Need appropriate diagnosis and management for DAI. Our newly developed biomarkers are quite useful for DAI patients associated within the TBI patients management and follow-up.

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