
We describe a novel molecular method for the differentiation and identification of 29 mycobacterial species. The target is the secA1 gene that codes for the essential protein SecA1, a key component of the major pathway of protein secretion across the cytoplasmic membrane. A 700-bp region of the secA1 gene was amplified and sequenced from 47 American Type Culture Collection strains of 29 Mycobacterium species as well as from 59 clinical isolates. Sequence variability in the amplified segment of the secA1 gene allowed the differentiation of all species except for the members of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) complex, which had identical sequences. A range of 83.3 to 100% interspecies similarity was observed. All species could also be differentiated by their amino acid sequences as deduced from the sequenced region of the secA1 gene, with the exception of the MTB complex. Partial sequences of secA1 from clinical isolates belonging to nine frequently isolated species of mycobacteria revealed a very high intraspecies similarity at the DNA level (typically >99%; range, 96.0 to 100%); all clinical isolates were correctly identified. Comparison of the deduced 233-amino-acid sequences among clinical isolates of the same species showed between 99.6 and 100% similarity. To our knowledge, this is the first time a secretion-related gene has been used for the identification of the species within a bacterial genus.

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