
The analysis of feed for lactating cows in 19 farms of eight districts of the Belgorod region was carried out from 1985 to 2021. Examined: green feed, roughage of natural and artificial drying, succulent feed (including canned feed), grain and its processed products, food industry waste, feed of animals and bacteriogenic. The minerals in feed were examined in the testing laboratory of the Belgorod State Agrarian University according to state standards. Reference analysis of the minerals in the feed for cows in the farms of the Belgorod region with the data of the "Federal research center for animal husbandry standards" has been carried out. Investigations of diet for lactating cows, taking into account the data presented in the "Recommendations on the chemical composition and nutritional value of feeds used to compose rations for farm animals in the Belgorod region", We found that rations are deficient in phosphorus by 40.9%, copper - by 32.6%, zinc - by 42.8%, cobalt - by 26.8%, iodine - by 32.9% and superfluity of iron. Calcium was over the limit by 31.0%, manganese - by 22.9%. Forage harvested on the farms of the Belgorod Region, a biogeochemical province with a low content of copper, zinc, sulfur and iodine in soils, cannot be considered complete in terms of mineral composition. To lactating cows hypomicroelementoses prevention necessary to set a correction factor when calculating the balance of rations and be sure to use feed mineral supplements, including limited minerals in quantities necessary not only to ensure the normal vital activity of cows, but also to obtain genetically inherent milk productivity from them.

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