
This study compared three procedures—the Mantel- Haenszel (MH), the simultaneous item bias (SIB), and the logistic regression (LR) procedures—with respect to their Type I error rates and power to detect nonuniform dif ferential item functioning (DIF). Data were simulated to reflect a variety of conditions: The factors manipulated included sample size, ability distribution differences between the focal and the reference groups, proportion of DIF items in the test, DIF effect sizes, and type of item. 384 conditions were studied. Both the SIB and LR proce dures were equally powerful in detecting nonuniform DIF under most conditions. The MH procedure was not very effective in identifying nonuniform DIF items that had disordinal interactions. The Type I error rates were within the expected limits for the MH procedure and were higher than expected for the SIB and LR proce dures ; the SIB results showed an overall increase of approximately 1% over the LR results. Index terms: differential item functioning, logistic regression statistic, Mantel-Haenszel statistic, nondirectional DIF, simulta neous item bias statistic, SIBTEST, Type I error rate, unidirectional DIF.

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