
Hospital wastes has a huge impact and harmful to the living creatures around the disposal area, although proper treatment has been performed by using an appropriate waste water treatment plant (WWTP). Ineffective use of an integrated WWTP on wastewater is not be able to fulfill the environmental constitution. It was required more efficient and eco-friendly invention of bioremediation by using indigenic bacteria. The purpose of this study was to identify bacteria species and characteristic of bacteria candidates potentially as bioremediation agent. Indigenic bacteria are obtained from wastes of Dr. Darsono Hospital in Pacitan Regency, which becoming a source of organic nutritions (amylum, protein and lypid) for indigene bacteria. The potency of indigene bacteria in decomposing wastes by degrading organic pollutant substances waste can be determined by calculating the hydrolysis index result. In sequence, four species of bacteria potentially as candidates for bioremediation are Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter agglomerans, Aeromonas hydrophila, and Burkholderia cepacia. There were three isolates classified as amylolytic bacteria (Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter agglomerans, and Aeromonas hydrophila), Aeromonas hydrophilla clasified as proteolytic bacteria and two isolates as lipolytic bacteria (Burkholderia cepacia dan Aeromonas hydrophilla). Enterobacter agglomerans having the highest hydrolysis of amylum with amylolytic index = 2.94, Aeromonas hydrophila has the highest protein hydrolysis with proteolytic index = 7.80, and Burkholderia cepacia has the highest lypid with hydrolysis index = 7.00.

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