
Analysis of wines from different grape varieties marked by sometimes intense aromatic nuances of fresh mushroom was performed by gas chromatography coupled with olfactometry. This analysis has led to the identification of several odoriferous zones, which were recalling a fresh mushroom odor. Two trace compounds responsible for these odoriferous zones, 1-nonen-3-one and 1-octen-3-one, have been identified and their content has been determined by using either a multidimensional gas chromatography technique coupled to olfactometry and mass spectrometry detection (in the case of 1-nonen-3-one) or the preparation of the derivative with O-2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzylhydroxylamine hydrochloride in the presence of the deuterated form, as the internal standard (in the case of 1-octen-3-one), then gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry detection. The assays allowed the quantification of these compounds at concentration levels sometimes well above their detection and recognition olfactory threshold. We show that adding nitrogen compounds to the altered wines, such as an amino acid (glycine) or a tripeptide (glutathione), led to lower concentrations of 1-octen-3-one in wines and diminished smell of fresh mushrooms. The study of the reaction in a model medium, whose composition is close to wine, by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry demonstrated the formation of adducts between 1-octen-3-one and glycine, and 1-octen-3-one and glutathione characterized by NMR.

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