
The veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) is a typical member of the family Chamaeleonidae and a promising object for comparative cytogenetics and genomics. The karyotype of C. calyptratus differs from the putative ancestral chameleon karyotype (2n = 36) due to a smaller chromosome number (2n = 24) resulting from multiple chromosome fusions. The homomorphic sex chromosomes of an XX/XY system were described recently using male-specific RADseq markers. However, the chromosomal pair carrying these markers was not identified. Here we obtained chromosome-specific DNA libraries of C. calyptratus by chromosome flow sorting that were assigned by FISH and sequenced. Sequence comparison with three squamate reptiles reference genomes revealed the ancestral syntenic regions in the C. calyptratus chromosomes. We demonstrated that reducing the chromosome number in the C. calyptratus karyotype occurred through two fusions between microchromosomes and four fusions between micro-and macrochromosomes. PCR-assisted mapping of a previously described Y-specific marker indicates that chromosome 5 may be the sex chromosome pair. One of the chromosome 5 conserved synteny blocks shares homology with the ancestral pleurodont X chromosome, assuming parallelism in the evolution of sex chromosomes from two basal Iguania clades (pleurodonts and acrodonts). The comparative chromosome map produced here can serve as the foundation for future genome assembly of chameleons and vertebrate-wide comparative genomic studies.

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