
The interaction of the reduced[2Fe-2S] cluster of isolated Rieske fragment from the bc1 complex of Rhodobacter sphaeroides with nitrogens (14N and 15N) from the local protein environment has been studied by X- and S-band pulsed EPR spectroscopy. The two-dimensional electron spin echo envelope modulation spectra of uniformly 15N-labeled protein show two well resolved cross-peaks with weak couplings of approximately 0.3-0.4 and 1.1 MHz in addition to couplings in the range of 6-8 MHz from two coordinating Ndelta of histidine ligands. The quadrupole coupling constants for weakly coupled nitrogens determined from S-band electron spin echo envelope modulation spectra identify them as Nepsilon of histidine ligands and peptide nitrogen (Np), respectively. Analysis of the line intensities in orientation-selected S-band spectra indicated that Np is the backbone N-atom of Leu-132 residue. The hyperfine couplings from Nepsilon and Np demonstrate the predominantly isotropic character resulting from the transfer of unpaired spin density onto the 2s orbitals of the nitrogens. Spectra also show that other peptide nitrogens in the protein environment must carry a 5-10 times smaller amount of spin density than the Np of Leu-132 residue. The appearance of the excess unpaired spin density on the Np of Leu-132 residue indicates its involvement in hydrogen bond formation with the bridging sulfur of the Rieske cluster. The configuration of the hydrogen bond therefore provides a preferred path for spin density transfer. Observation of similar splittings in the 15N spectra of other Rieske-type proteins and [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins suggests that a hydrogen bond between the bridging sulfur and peptide nitrogen is a common structural feature of [2Fe-2S] clusters.


  • Proteins containing Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] clusters with two histidyl and two cysteinyl ligands play important roles in many biological electron transfer reactions such as aerobic respiration, photosynthesis, and biodegradation of various alkene and aromatic compounds

  • In the cytochrome bc1/b6f family, a Rieske iron-sulfur protein (ISP)4 is a constituent of the high potential electron transfer chain that accepts the first electron in the bifurcated reaction at the ubihydroquinone oxidizing Qo site

  • The driving force, ⌬Go, for the first electron transfer is determined by the redox potential difference between the donor (SQ/QH2) and acceptor (ISPox/ISPH) couples

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A Backbone Hydrogen Bond to the Rieske Cluster

Em (ISPox/ISPH) will effect the driving force. Marcus theory relates the rate constant to the driving force, and a plot of log10k v. ⌬Go follows the expected form for rates measured in mutants generated in mitochondria or in different species of bacteria [6, 7, 13]. Two weak couplings of ϳ0.7 and 0.25 MHz (where the values reflect a recalculation of frequencies for comparison with 14N) were observed and tentatively assigned to peptide nitrogen of the backbone, and to N⑀ of the histidine ligands, respectively, based on comparison with model complexes and other clusters [25]. These data did not provide any direct indication for the chemical nature of the nitrogens producing the couplings observed. We have applied X-band (ϳ9.7 GHz) and S-band (ϳ3.1 GHz) spectroscopy to the water soluble proteolyzed extrinsic domain of the Rieske subunit (the iron-sulfur fragment (ISF)) of the bc complex from Rhodobacter sphaeroides to further study the weakly coupled nitrogens around the Rieske cluster

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