
Grapevine Pinot gris Virus (GPGV) is a single stranded RNA of the genus Trichovirus infecting grapevine (Vitis vinifera) and associated with stunting, chlorotic mottling and leaf deformation symptoms. During a monitoring of GPGV infection in vineyards of the Trentino region in Italy, we have detected the virus in the herbaceous plants Silene latifolia subsp. Alba (Mill.) (bladder campion) and Chenopodium album L. (white goosefoot), which showed symptoms of viral infection. The full-length GPGV RNA genome, amplified from these infected hosts, was sequenced and a phylogenetic analysis revealed that its closest relative is the strain SK13, recently isolated in Slovakia. Our results indicate that herbaceous plants can be considered as a reservoir for the GPGV virus. This finding is important for studying the epidemiological aspects of GPGV disease and to formulate appropriate control measures.

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